April 11, 2019 | Net Health

2 min read

[PODCAST] Outcomes are the “Hero” Data in the World of MIPS and Quality-Payment Programs

Quality-based payment models are on their way. The Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) is here and will gradually affect more clinicians as we move into 2020 and beyond. Hospital-based rehab therapists are also prepping for a pay-for-performance world.

Do you know which tools will be your greatest ally? Answer: A strong outcomes management program. It’s vital to understanding your facility’s performance.

Frank Long, Editorial Director of Rehab Management and Physical Therapy Products, was recently joined by Nikki Rasmussen, PT, Cert. MDT Clinical Lead, Provider Relations for FOTO and JW Matheson, PT, DPT, MS, Owner and Clinic Director, Catalyst Sports Medicine, for a special podcast to discuss how patient-reported outcomes provide substantial benefits to a facility, and how effective outcomes management will deepen patient engagement, drive clinician education, support quality-based revenue models, and more.

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Nikki and J.W. also discuss how the 19th Annual Clinical Outcomes Summit is designed to be the industry event that encourages clinicians and leaders to find real-world success using their valuable outcomes data. They also share their experiences from previous Summits and suggestions on which members of the clinic staff should attend, explaining how they’ll be transformed by the chance to engage with the most active thinkers at the Summit.

Redoc is a proud sponsor of the 19th Annual Clinical Outcomes Summit, which is hosted each year by FOTO. We believe in their track record of enabling facilities to drive compliance, mentor clinicians, and be a proven measure for optimal outcomes. Through its 26 million (in counting) patient assessments, peer-reviewed data, and its CMS endorsed registry, FOTO has earned its place as the premier system for data collection.

Set aside 20 minutes to listen to this podcast. Grab a sandwich, have some lunch, perhaps listen in your car. We guarantee the conversation will bring out your inner Outcomes Nerd (or, perhaps your not-so-buried desire to ensure your facility is confidently prepared for the pay-for-performance challenges ahead).

You won’t regret it!

Did you register for the Clinical Outcomes Summit yet?  If not, what are you waiting for?! 

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