October 8, 2020 | Tannus Quatre, PT, MBA
4 min read
Blog Series: Step 4 – How to Convert Customers
This week, we’ve brought you our special blog series titled “5 Steps to Attract and Retain PT Champions.” We’ve taken a good look at the five steps that can allow you to add physical therapy value in the community. Before we get in to Step 4 – How to Convert Customers, make sure to catch up with Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3. With that said, let’s get right to it.
Pull the trigger, make the sale, close the deal, and convert your customer. You’re almost at the tail end of the process, which helps build PT champions in your community. So far we’ve looked at steps that help you be seen, create personal connections, and educate your potential client.
The first three steps made you known, trustworthy, and knowledgeable to your audience. It’s a hard-earned equity, and step four is when we’ll convert that equity into an actual sale.
Step four is about a conversion. Yes, it’s a marketing term you’ve probably heard before. A term that distinguishes your clientele from those who simply like you and those who actually want to buy from you. The conversion from prospect to client is one that comes with knowledge and respect. And while you can still reach a standstill with your sale, the guidelines below will help push through any bumps in the road.
Look in the Mirror
Following this step is key, trust me.
When you’re trying to take your potential client across the line, you are asking them to trust you. Whether it’s with their money, body or reputation (such as a referral), you must first believe in yourself, and the value of what you have to offer before you make the ask. This is the moment where your sincerity will shine through.
Take one more look in the mirror and remember how far you’ve come. Give yourself a pat on the back. You’ve walked your potential customer through the first three steps. They’ve reached a point where they know you, they like you, and they have learned from you. Plus, you’re in a position to help them and that’s why they’re here to start with.
Speak the Truth
The mirror test is done, and now you get to enjoy this next part. All you have to do is simply speak the truth and engage in conversation.
Here are a few examples:
- “Calvin, your posture sucks. I’m telling you because I care about you. You may be getting by with it for now, but it’s gonna cause you problems down the road. There are some things that can be done to help you.”
- “Lisa, incontinence isn’t something you have to live with. It’s prevalent but correctible. It’s something that a lot of people just deal with, and it’s tragic. I see it all the time, and it can be treated.”
- “Dr. Walter, the geriatric population you’ve described needs to be exposed to the benefits of a fall prevention program. Most falls are preventable and fall programs can make an impact.”
I’m sure you can think of more examples. The point is, you’ve laid out the foundation that has allowed your words to be well received by others. You’ve worked your way to building a trustworthy relationship, and you’ve taken a good look in the mirror. You’re at the stage now where you want to help and your words count. Don’t worry about offending a potential client. And if you do, retrace your steps – something may have been missed.
Make “The Ask” Clear
This is the part where you bring together your concern for your client and your respect for the value you offer. How do you get this done? Simply ask your client to take some form of action.
- Schedule an appointment
- Sign up for a membership
- Refer a patient to you
These are just a few options, but let’s get back to Calvin with the bad posture for a second.
“Calvin, I can help you out. I hate to see you in pain like this, and I know what to do to help you. I have a packed schedule, but I’m going to make sure I can get you in next week. I’m going to let my scheduler know that you’ll be calling, and he’ll make room for you. If he doesn’t hear from you by Monday, I’m going to make sure he finds you.”
Think that’s too direct? Too strong? I believe in myself, and I know Calvin needs me. I have a relationship with him, and he knows I care about him. If I have to walk him through the door myself, I need to do it. That’s converting a prospect into a customer.
We’ve made it to the finish line! Well, not quite. We have one final step – converting our customers to PT champions. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s final blog of this five-step series where we’ll talk all things amplify.
Download this ebook: 7 Compelling Content Challenges to Engage Rehab Therapy Patients in COVID Era