May 7, 2021 | Tannus Quatre, PT, MBA

3 Minute Read

Simple Yet Effective Tip #1 for Your Private Practice: Be a Pundit

In this new blog series, for the next few weeks, we will introduce you to eight, easy-to-follow yet effective tips that can help your private practice grow and make it continuously successful.

This week, we want to share with you something that’s at the top of our list. It’s about knowing the ins and outs of your industry, and being able to share that knowledge with others. Why? Because our private practice therapy clients want to learn from us, and naturally so, we also want to teach them what we know. But physical therapists are busy bees, and outside of patient care itself, how do we find the time to educate, improve and show value to our clients? The answer? Be a pundit.

What are Pundits Exactly?

For those who are unfamiliar with the word, pundits are experts in a particular subject matter, and they are crucial in today’s media market. From commentary to great opinions, they add value to the subject by creating a bridge between often complex or poorly understood information, and those to whom the information could be of benefit if only in a digestible form. Pundits are the ones who help make information relatable, interesting, and engaging.

As an area expert in the movement sciences, you can help provide insight into physical therapy to your clients. Here’s how:

Stay Up-to-Date

Check out the news and current events for which you have a relevant opinion. Read about news coverage that highlights notable injuries, sporting events, or other health-related topics, and share them with your staff members and others around you.

Develop Media Relationships

It is the media’s job to make the news interesting, and you can provide them with any pertinent information they may need. After all, they need resources that can make their stories relatable and understandable.  Reach out to local media outlets and nurture these relationships so you’ll be top of mind when a pundit is needed.

Engage in Social Media

You don’t need to wait for a news reporter to contact you in order to be a pundit.  In today’s world in which all news is a mere click away, use your own social media channels to provide commentary about current events pertaining to your expertise.  In many ways, your own social media channels can be the most effective for purposes of engaging a market.

Share Information About Private Practice Therapy

Sure, sometimes you may not have time to write about a popular topic, but you can still share the information you’ve learned with others. This can also turn into an invitation to partake in a discussion for those who’d like to share their own thoughts and points of view as well. Creating a daily habit of sharing online, links, quotes or trending topics is a great opportunity to share your expertise with those who can only gain so much knowledge and insight from them.

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