The Wound Wrap

The Wound Wrap

Because there’s always something fascinating in the world of wound care In just the past few weeks, we’ve seen a flurry of news in the wound care world, including a new report on the growing demand for biological skin substitutes, a study that may have a large impact on the care of diabetic ulcers in…

A Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Wound Care Private Practice

A Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Wound Care Private Practice

Wound Care in Clinics, Homes, and Facilities Is Expanding Talk to a wound expert throughout the profession, and you’ll hear of more clinicians choosing to go out on their own as independent wound care experts. One of the biggest trends for healthcare professionals in the post- pandemic marketplace has been a recognition that there are…

Net Health CORE Workflow Checklist

Net Health CORE Workflow Checklist

Apply our CORE (Clinical, Operational, Regulatory, and Economic) methodology designed to help streamline workflow As you reflect on the areas of your wound care practice, think about these starter questions — they will help inform your choices along the way: Clinical Operational Regulatory NOTE: This checklist is not meant to be exhaustive. It remains your…

Cathy Hess, SME blog image

Beyond Workflow: Why ThinkFlow is Newest Wound Care Documentation Strategy

ThinkFlow combines workflow and CORE methodology to ensure a smarter approach for key wound care processes and tasks By:  Cathy Thomas HessBSN, RN, CWCN, Vice President, Chief Clinical Officer, Net Health Wound Care Documenting the steps taken during wound care used to be viewed as – while not the most exciting task on your to…

Unlocking Specialty EHRs: Take a User-Centric Approach to Wound Care

Unlocking Specialty EHRs: Take a User-Centric Approach to Wound Care

Perhaps no technology in the past 50 years has generated more contentious conversation among providers than the Electronic Health Record (EHR). Introduced on a wide-scale basis in the late 1980s, today, more than 90 percent of providers and 96 percent of hospitals use some type of EHR in their practice. Over the past 20 years, specialty EHRs,…

The Role of Technology in Transforming Wound Care Management in 2024

The Role of Technology in Transforming Wound Care Management in 2024

Modern Wound Care Technology Wound care technology in 2024 will reflect some of the biggest changes happening in all sectors of technology: The rise of artificial intelligence in wound care and the use of big data to provide better care. Grandview Research estimates that the global wound care market will increase at a compound annual…

The Cost of Chronic Wounds

The Cost of Chronic Wounds

Chronic Wounds: A Look at the human and financial toll Over the past few years, in an effort to promote better outcomes for patients, healthcare providers, payers, researchers, and regulators have started paying more attention to a once-overlooked area of healthcare: chronic wounds. Chronic wounds encompass injuries such as burns and surgical site infections, as…

The Future of Wound Care Starts with Clinical ROI

The Future of Wound Care Starts with Clinical ROI

How an advanced wound care process can improve clinical, operational, regulatory and economic outcomes So much has changed in wound care over the past 30 years. Technology has advanced wound care far beyond manual measurements, and yet there’s more we can and should do! From pressure injuries to non-healing wounds, hospitals today continue to struggle…

The Future of Wound Care: 5 Trends for 2024

The Future of Wound Care: 5 Trends for 2024

Wound care innovations help providers care for patients After nearly a decade in the wound care world, I still continue to be amazed, surprised and inspired.  It’s been a time I’ve thoroughly enjoyed– getting a front-row seat to innovations, seeing the remarkable commitment of providers, and marveling at the constant effort from all I meet…

The Power of Why: Create an Effective Wound Care Process

The Power of Why: Create an Effective Wound Care Process

Wound Care Process: How to Be Effective Work smarter, not harder, by defining a wound care process that supports sustained results across clinical, operational, and financial metrics. What is your why? Why do you do what you do? Why do you take one approach over another; purchase a particular product or service; implement a specific…