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Pressure Injuries in the Crosshairs
Hospitals focus on pressure injury prevention as concerns grow over frequency and severity Despite medical facilities’ best efforts, pressure injuries (PIs) are on the rise. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has estimated that 2.5 million hospital patients develop a PI each year, and 60,000 die as a direct result of their wounds.1 […]
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Five Questions to Ask Your Wound Care Clinical Trial Partner
When it comes to clinical trials for wound care, researchers and trial administrators constantly look for those secret ingredients that will lead to success. Those ingredients vary by any number of factors. However, there are fundamental elements that can help manufacturers of wound care products, devices, and technologies, and industry researchers secure optimal outcomes from […]
Read MoreNet Health’s API Agreement with Kent Imaging Highlighted in BioWorld MedTech
“Talk to any doctor treating a diabetic foot ulcer and you’ll learn two things: poor oxygenation makes it extraordinarily difficult for the wound to heal. Second there is an enormous lack, a clear, unmet need across the globe of appropriate, ongoing medical assessment of non-healing wounds.” That’s how leading industry trade publication BioWorld-MedTech summarized the […]
Read MoreConducting Meaningful Data Analysis in Wound Care
There are millions of patients worldwide in need of life-saving and life-changing wound care products. Real-World Data Analysis (RWDA) can help. Net Health’s Tobe Madu outlines the six steps to using and assessing RWDA in the current issue of the Journal of Wound Care.
Read MoreWound Care Data Abounds, But Can We Use It?
“Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.” Those of us in the wound care industry understand the sentiment. We have all this data locked away in EHRs, patient records, provider notes and other sources, but how can we leverage it to achieve better outcomes? It’s a critical question for the industry to address. […]
Read MoreNational Burn Awareness Week Shines Light on Wound Caregivers and Researchers
February 7-13 is National Burn Awareness Week, an event organized each year by the American Burn Association. Along with educating the public on the prevention methods that can save people from burn-related injury and death, focus is also put on the causes of these accidents and the latest forms of care for victims of burn […]
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The Debate and Discussion Over Decentralized Clinical Trials
COVID-19 has led to debates on virtually every component of healthcare; the topic of how best to conduct clinical trials included. The new discussion centers around the pros and cons of centralized vs. decentralized clinical trials in wound care. At their core, a centralized trial is one where there is a central location, with centrally […]
Read MoreWhy Decentralized Clinical Trials are Here to Stay
Will some of the many changes we’ve seen in clinical trials be with us after the pandemic subsides, or will they fade away as we return to what is familiar? There’s a lot to unpack in that one question. However, one trend experts believe will remain for a variety of reasons – including cost, efficiency […]
Read MoreWhat Wound Clinics Need to Know about the New OPPS Rules
Some welcome flexibilities and administrative relief are built into the final 2021 Medicare Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) rules for paying wound care professionals and outpatient hospitals. While some of the telehealth policies are being made permanent, CMS makes it clear that it does not have authority to continue telehealth benefits for patients in homes […]
Read MoreUsing Wound Care Technology to Connect Patients and Providers
COVID-19 has drastically changed healthcare in our country, and it seems that some of those changes are here to stay. One of the most promising changes is the growing acceptance of the use of technology, including telehealth, to connect patients and providers remotely.1 But is telehealth, especially in wound care, just about sitting in front […]
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