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Video | Navigating The COVID Era

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Net Health Resources Page, check mark, red image Occupational Medicine

Checklist to Improve Workforce Immunization Tracking

Managers who oversee hospital employee health are looking for ways to track immunizations and tests more quickly and accurately than before. In the age of Coronavirus, clinicians who manage these departments now must also track COVID-19 testing. What’s needed are solutions that make immunization tracking more efficient, safe, and compliant, as well as easier and […]

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Net Health Resources Page, eBook, purple image Occupational Medicine

Introducing Net Health’s Mobile Immunization Tracking

In these unpredictable times that we are living in, immunization tracking has become even more of the essence in employee health (EH) departments. Finding ways to make tracking more efficient and convenient can help managers who oversee hospital employee health keep documentation and employee data organized across multiple platforms. Get the eBook In this eBook, […]

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Net Health Resources Page, eBook, green image Occupational Medicine

4 Things OccMed & Employee Health Departments Need to Know

Whether COVID-19 fully goes away or not, the landscape moving forward for employee health record requirements remains changed. And while we hope never to see anything the likes of this pandemic again, the importance of having complete confidence in how we support our staff and meet compliance requirements is that much more important now. Get […]

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Net Health Resources Page, eBook, blue image Occupational Medicine

The Practical Guide to a Successful OccMed Practice

Whether you’re a partner/owner of an occupational medicine or urgent care business seeking ways to improve and expand your business or you’re a primary care practice considering expanding into occupational medicine, this guide offers practical tips for achieving success. You may be wondering: What do I need to be thinking about? How can I meet […]

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