August 20, 2015 | Optima Healthcare Solutions

3 Minute Read

The Value of Optima

The total value of Optima’s therapy management solution isn’t just in our smart features or friendly interface; it’s also in the investments made behind the scenes to protect clients and their patients. From future-proofing our technology and staying on top of regulatory changes to automating reimbursements and ensuring the security of patient data, we make sure our clients are not pulled away from delivering the best care to their patients.

Watch the video to see how we are investing in the current and future success of our clients.

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Operating a healthcare organization in today’s constantly changing environment, can feel like you’re always searching where to go next when you really want to stay focused on patient care. Choose the right rehab management software, and you can keep that patient focus. Choose one that hasn’t paid attention to all the details, and you could end up driving in the wrong direction.

This is why more than half of the nation’s skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and contract therapy groups choose Optima Healthcare Solutions, the leader in rehab management software. They choose us for five key strengths you won’t find in competing solutions. For starters, rehab professionals trust Optima for our commitment to keeping pace with industry trends, regulations, and technology. We are the only provider with a perfect track record for meeting regulatory deadlines. Our on-staff, full-time PT, OT, and ST clinicians help us translate regulatory requirements into ongoing product development, giving customers the peace of mind that they are always in compliance.

We also continuously innovate to improve our software’s performance and usability. Like the unmatched capabilities we created for mobile and bring-your-own-device convenience, users always have access at the point of care since Rehab Optima works with any device and operating system your providers choose. So that all users get the full benefit of Rehab Optima, it comes with the industry’s richest offering of upfront and ongoing training, webinars, and built-in analytics to inform clinical decision making, plus savvy product, business, and clinical support that ensure you’re never left hanging. And for efficiency throughout your practice, Rehab Optima integrates seamlessly with systems from the front to the back office. No other solution feels like such a natural fit.

As the only provider with SOC1 and SOC2 certifications, and the tightest controls for protecting sensitive health information, Rehab Optima delivers the highest level of security. And Optima is the only vendor in its category with fully-redundant, dual data centers. So you don’t have to worry about costly downtime or security breaches. Rehab Optima doesn’t just document care, it helps you capture payment for every service delivered while heading off potential denials before they happen. Choose the billing method you need, and Rehab Optima steps you through the process quickly and error-free.

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