A Net Health Series

Healing the Healers: Diagnosing and Treating Burnout in Modern Rehab Therapy 

Chapter 1

Defining and Identifying Burnout in Rehab Therapy 

Between 45% and 71% of rehab therapists experience burnout. Discover what this means and how burnout impacts therapy operations, practitioners, and their patients. And if you’re a director, manager, or administrator, learn to better diagnose and address burnout on your rehab team. 

“I always look at burnout for a therapist similar to a patient who’s in the course of treatment and has plateaued. They’re not progressing anymore, they’re not thriving, and they’re not meeting their goals of where you want them to be.”

– Jamie McMichael, OTR/L, CPM, Product Manager, Net Health Therapy 
Chapter 2

Technology as a Solution to Rehab Therapist Burnout 

As staffing and burnout issues weigh on the rehab therapy profession, innovations in technology promise to help lighten the load. How? In this chapter, we will explore the important roles today’s technology can play in reducing many of the main causes of burnout, enabling rehab therapists to focus more on patient care. We also provide tips for choosing the right tools for your team. 

More than 8 in 10 rehab therapists say that administrative burdens contribute to burnout, and more than three-quarters of rehab therapy facilities have added nonclinical staff to overcome these burdens. 

Chapter 3

The Double-Edged Sword: When Tech Contributes to Burnout 

When discussing the benefits of technology, the elephant in the room is that tech can just as easily contribute to stress and fatigue as it can help mitigate rehab therapist burnout. Technology isn’t going away, however, so how can therapy teams avoid this dark side of investing in tech-based solutions? In this final section, we will offer advice for selecting tools that provide operational gains that help your team thrive. 

Coming Soon

In one recent poll, approximately 70% of healthcare practitioners experience stress related to their electronic health records (EHR) system.

Burnout Tools

Burnout Risk Assessment 

Is your rehab therapy team at risk of burnout? Measure the risk level of your clinical staff and learn how to appropriately respond by completing this Burnout Risk Assessment. 

Cost of Burnout Estimator 

What is burnout costing your rehab therapy department or organization? Use our Cost of Burnout Estimator to learn how burnout may impact your bottom line. 

Talk with an expert about burnout in rehab therapy.