September 17, 2020 | Net Health

3 Minute Read

Tough Questions | Real Answers: Net Health’s Fireside Chat about Race

Net Health did something different recently.

Nearly two hundred employees and their families gathered around their computer screens to take part in a landmark event in our company’s history – we called it a “Fireside Chat about Race”.

 The purpose of this event was to have a truly open conversation about the controversial but relevant topic of the Black experience in America. 

Moderated by CEO Josh Pickus, Chief Human Resources Officer Linda Kricher, and CIO Jason “JJ” James, seven Black Net Health employees answered tough questions about race and current events but also educated the audience on lesser-known elements of Black history.

In the following clips, hear from Nate, JP, Gabi, and Tobe as they share personal and sometimes painful experiences with such issues as hair and personal boundaries, interactions with the police, the “all lives matter” debate, international racism, and the Juneteenth holiday.  

Gabi discusses people touching her hair and personal boundaries

Nate gives his opinion on “All Lives Matter”

JP educates the audience on the Juneteenth holiday

Tobe weighs in on if racism is an international issue

Messages of gratitude poured in afterwards from attendees, thanking the panelists for sharing their perspective on such personal topics. The intended outcome of opening a line of dialogue about race was achieved, and the dialogue continues as employees continue to reach out with questions to further their understanding. 

Change doesn’t happen overnight but by having this open conversation about the Black experience in America, we can start taking the necessary steps to make a real impact and move towards a time when every person, no matter their race, is respected and treated with dignity.   

Watch the full Fireside Chat

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