September 1, 2014 | Net Health

1 min read

Practice Point: Meaningful Use Audit Checklist

The window to gain Meaningful Use incentives, by adopting, implementing, upgrading, or demonstrating meaningful use of certified electronic health record (EHR) technology, is narrowing. Providers who receive an EHR incentive payment may be subject to an audit. Documentation to support attestation data for meaningful use objectives and clinical quality measures should be retained for 6 years after attestation according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). This Meaningful Use Audit Checklist outlines the minimum supporting documentation that CMS feels the providers should maintain. The information shared in this column is excerpted from the CMS “EHR Incentive Programs Supporting Documentation for Audits.”1

The primary documentation that will be requested in all reviews is the source document(s) that the provider used when completing the attestation. This document, ideally a report from the certified EHR, should provide a summary of the data that support the information entered during attestation. This primary document will be the starting point of most reviews and should include, at minimum:

  • the numerators and denominators for the measures,
  • the time period the report covers, and
  • evidence to support that it was generated for that eligible professional, eligible hospital, or critical access hospital.

The attestation process includes reporting for non–percentage-based meaningful use objectives…

Read the rest of the article at Advances in Skin & Wound Care.

An excerpt from an article originally published in Advances in Skin & Wound Care, written by Cathy Thomas Hess, BSN, RN, CWOCN, VP and Chief Clinical Officer at Net Health.

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