March 18, 2021 | Net Health

2 min read

Net Health’s Founder Discusses Comfort vs. Innovation and “Problem Zero”

With Insights on How Leaders Can Stimulate Change

Not every significant change starts with a crisis. But many do. Navigating a turnaround or reboot is difficult, but according to research, can be led by people through all walks of life.

“If you have experienced some level of success, that’s great, but if you are not changing, if there isn’t a next, you may be comfortable, but you will not create a long-term impact or sustain your endeavor for any length of time,” shared Net Health Founder Patrick Colletti on the podcast “The Transformative Leader”.

In the Interview, Patrick describes the journey leaders face and the steps taken to identify opportunities while promoting a thriving culture. All this is outlined in the upcoming (May 25) book “Refounder,” in which he explores the Refounder mindset as a framework for how transformational leaders take what’s broken and make it better.

Here are just a few steps Patrick and his partners implemented:

  • Problem Zero: It’s the answer to the question of “what’s the practical problem threatening survival (or thriving) of the enterprise?” Even if you are growing at a 100% a year, there will always be a Problem Zero. When you define a Problem Zero and knock it out, the funny thing is, it keeps coming back. It’s an ongoing whack-a-mole for people who are growth oriented. as Charles Kettering, an inventor with more than 186 patents, said, “A problem well-stated is half-solved.”
  • Leading indicators, not lagging. Measuring those behaviors which predict success rather than lag measures which illustrate the result are key to achieving clarity. Lag measures are okay for a toast at the end of a quarter, but lead measures will tell you how things will be next quarter.
  • Transparency. Get the facts out about your problem zero. Don’t confuse it with the 17 other problems you face, but be specific. Overwhelming people with the wide variety of what ails you, can make them numb. Your teammates aren’t someone you simply cheer on. They are intelligent individuals that have aspirations and dreams with a good and thoughtful view of reality.

Listen to this podcast for more insights and check out to hear Patrick’s views on the benefits of company culture and how equipping Refounders to reimagine, reinvent, and renew the place they live, work, and play can help us take what’s broken and make it better.

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