Who Rules When it Comes to Therapy Coding and Billing? The Payer Rules.

Who Rules When it Comes to Therapy Coding and Billing? The Payer Rules.

As if it’s not stressful enough for clinicians to balance scheduling, treating patients, and creating defensible documentation, they’re also expected to know the ins and outs of physical therapy billing and coding. Unfortunately, untangling the rules of insurance payers can often feel like a full-time job. This is where Net Health Therapy can help! Having…

5 Tips to Optimize Your Private Practice’s Press Releases

5 Tips to Optimize Your Private Practice’s Press Releases

In today’s private practice world, we are often tasked with the need to stretch the marketing dollar further. But sometimes this can make it difficult for us to show our physical therapy patients who we really are and what we do. For physical therapy practices to which this holds true, we can soon find that…

7 Rules of Reputation Management for Physical Therapy Marketing

7 Rules of Reputation Management for Physical Therapy Marketing

Being great at your job used to be enough to drive new business through the door. However, as big data and online information accessibility continue to reshape the physical therapy market, things are changing. Now, your online reputation is more important than ever and is a direct factor in how successful your team is at…

How Rehab Therapists Can Leverage Goal-Setting to Thrive in Pandemic

How Rehab Therapists Can Leverage Goal-Setting to Thrive in Pandemic

The importance of goal-setting is something we teach every kid in this country. And the chances are high that you too probably remember learning about SMART goals at one point or another (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound). But as we get more seasoned in life and the noise of the world gets louder, it can…

Why Consider Tracking Your Private Practice Referrals

Why Consider Tracking Your Private Practice Referrals

When you’ve marketed your private practice and have a steady flow of patients, you may think your work is done, but it’s important to track your data in order to continue monitoring your marketing success. Measuring Referral Metrics Adding numbers to simple metrics is critical to knowing what marketing tactics are working to your benefit,…

How Outcomes Management Can Help Rehab Therapists with Referrals

How Outcomes Management Can Help Rehab Therapists with Referrals

Changes in patient demand, the tumultuous landscape left by the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), and an industry-wide shift toward value-based care have created an ultra-competitive rehab therapy market. And while practices can pay for traditional marketing to acquire patients, building successful referral streams is still one of the most cost-effective ways to drive new…

Return of 2% Sequestration Cut Delayed until January 1, 2022

Return of 2% Sequestration Cut Delayed until January 1, 2022

Since 2013, the federal law has required a 2% reduction to the reimbursement (applied to the 80% of the allowed charge) that a participating provider would receive directly from Medicare; this reduction in payment is referred to as “sequestration” because a set percentage of money is automatically removed (or “sequestered”) from the amount of funding…

The Power of Having an Objective for Your Private Practice

The Power of Having an Objective for Your Private Practice

An important step in a properly executed marketing strategy is one that is commonly missed – having an objective. Establishing what you are trying to achieve in a specific statement can help gauge the effectiveness of your marketing strategy for your PT. Plus, an objective works best when it is used as a point of…

How Patient Engagement Drives Your Rehab Therapy Business

How Patient Engagement Drives Your Rehab Therapy Business

It’s no secret that patients who are actively involved in their own recovery experience better health outcomes than disengaged patients. Additionally, actively engaged patients can lead to lower costs for a facility and contribute positively to improved practice efficiency. Highly engaged patients are at the heart of successful rehab facilities, but do you know how significant patient engagement is for…