Selling to Goldfish: 3 Quick Tips to Help Rehab Therapists Be Memorable

Selling to Goldfish: 3 Quick Tips to Help Rehab Therapists Be Memorable

Goldfish are cool little creatures. Small. Happy (I think). Cheap. Don’t ask for much. And boy, are they distractible. Though there’s not much to do in a fishbowl (at least the kind that make it into my house), goldfish have an incredibly tiny attention span. Nine seconds is all you get with a fish –…

5 Social Media Tips for Outpatient Rehab Therapists

5 Social Media Tips for Outpatient Rehab Therapists

Social media is a cornerstone of any outpatient rehab therapy clinic’s content marketing strategy. Yet, even after well over a decade of social media influencing personal decisions, many physical, occupational and speech therapy clinicians struggle to achieve an effective social media campaign. We get it. As a form of digital marketing, social media continues to…

Rethinking Referral Sources for Your Rehab Therapy Practice

Rethinking Referral Sources for Your Rehab Therapy Practice

“How can I grow my referral network?” As a private practice rehab therapist, admit it – you consider this question (or a version thereof) at least once a day. Perhaps it’s crept into your mind between treatment sessions, and maybe it’s even kept you up at night. We get it. The true value of establishing,…

The Value of Retention: Rehab Therapy Marketing to Inactive Patients

The Value of Retention: Rehab Therapy Marketing to Inactive Patients

Here’s a statistic that may blow your mind: It can be anywhere from five to 25 times more expensive to acquire a new customer or client than it is to keep a current one.1 That sobering figure comes to us courtesy of the Harvard Business Review. And yet, when our Net Health team speaks to…

How to Pitch Your Physical Therapy to the Media

How to Pitch Your Physical Therapy to the Media

Through your media relations efforts, you heard through the grapevine that a writer, journalist, producer or the like is interested in telling a story with ties to physical therapy. Maybe it’s a story about preventing back pain while running, dealing with chronic pain, or preventing injury/surgery. Regardless, your instinct is immediate: You want to be…

Net Health Supports Rehab Therapists Seeking to Improve Self-Care

Net Health Supports Rehab Therapists Seeking to Improve Self-Care

As we approach the two-year mark of the COVID-19 pandemic, one would be hard-pressed to identify an area within our society that has managed to avoid the stress and long-term uncertainty caused by the virus. Indeed, the health care community has absorbed a sizable portion of this stress, and rehab therapists – despite initially being…

SEO vs. PPC? What’s Right for Your Rehab Therapy Business

SEO vs. PPC? What’s Right for Your Rehab Therapy Business

As long as I’ve been in the digital marketing world, the constant question that I hear from business owners is this: “What’s best? SEO or PPC?” This is a common marketing question that doesn’t have a consistent answer. A better question to ask is, “What’s best for my business? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Pay…

Say What?! Responding to Online Reviews for Physical Therapy

Say What?! Responding to Online Reviews for Physical Therapy

Online reviews and “reputation management” are major components of modern digital marketing, and for good reason. A recent local consumer review survey stated that 92% of consumers read online reviews, meaning more consumers than ever are willing to do their research before choosing a product or service. So, needless to say, online reviews affect all…

5 Tips for Effective Storytelling in Physical Therapy Marketing

5 Tips for Effective Storytelling in Physical Therapy Marketing

Arguably one of the most impactful shows of the last decade was Game of Thrones. Despite the controversial last season (you may still feel strongly about it yourself), HBO has recently released the trailers for the prequel show. With such a divided audience and a bad taste for the franchise in many viewers’ mouths, why…